Haynes Publishing – Kev Green Fishing Manuals


Project Description

Commissioned by Haynes Publishing to write an initial Coarse Fishing Manual for the vast library of ‘how to’ manuals, Kevin Green, my editor on Improve Your Coarse Fishing magazine at the time, asked to use existing artwork from my large library of illustrations for his ‘Coarse Fishing Manual’ and for me to make a few minor edits to get the detail he wanted. Following the success of this title, Haynes commissioned a second book from Kev which was to be called a ‘Carp Fishing Manual’.

Kevin again asked me to supply illustrations for this new book and for these to be ‘illustrated to order’ so that he could discuss ‘his’ method’s in detail. Sadly before this book could be published Kev was sadly to fall ill and later lose his life to a brain tumor.

Kevin’s and his families last wish was to see this book published and he worked tirelessly up to his last days to prepare content and supply me with his roughs for the rigs. His close friend Brian Skoyles picked up as guest editor to complete Kev’s work and the book was finally completed to what we all hoped are Kev’s ‘standards’ as he was determined that this be a very useful addition to the Haynes library on fishing and to many anglers making their way into serious carp fishing careers. We all think it is!

Project Details

Client Kevin Green

The late Kevin Green

Date 2013 – 2014

Skills Illustration

View .

Haynes - Coarse Fishing Manual

In this, the 1st of Kev’s Fishing Manuals, the artwork used was from the existing illustration library, only a few minor edits were required to the original layered PS file to give him the right detail for each illustration.

Extract from Kev's 1st book, Coarse Fishing Manual

Haynes - Carp Fishing Manual

For the second book, the Carp Fishing Manual, Kev had requested that each illustration was original and cover his rigs as he wanted to show them. With his untimely death the artwork was created to his original draft roughs, and would undoubtedly have been ‘tweaked’ to get exactly what he was looking for. The final images are a ‘best interpretation’ of what he would have wanted, based on both mine and Brian Skoyles knowledge of Kev and his fishing and ideas, and we believe they deliver, as closely as possible, what Kev wanted to say.

Extract from Kev' 'Carp Fishing Manual'